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We have been in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic for over a year now, so the main theme of the new TROX life couldn't be more fitting: “health”.

Needless to say, we cannot avoid the topic of COVID-19. But it is now certain that the risk of transmission can be minimised by effective and modern ventilation technology. TROX life will outline how the leading associations in our industry, FGK and VDMA, have therefore heavily focused on the requirements for ventilation and air purification of rooms in connection with the rules regarding distancing, hygiene, masks and ventilation, as well as the risks of infection, and have defined clear rules as to under which circumstances ventilation and therefore sufficient protection against infection is provided.

But of course there are other interesting topics: you will get to know our most important food, namely the air we breathe – and hear what well-known experts and scientists have to say about it. For the new TROX life, we even interviewed two of them: Prof. Martin Kriegel from the Hermann Rietschel Institute on his ground-breaking research results, and Dr. Thomas Voshaar from the Bethanien-Krankenhaus in Moers, Germany, on his experiences as a respiratory specialist during the coronavirus pandemic.

You can also look forward to an exciting project report, in which we report on the ventilation and air conditioning equipment in the new 'Haus M' hospital building at Klinikum Karlsruhe. Klimabau, which is responsible for construction, execution, commissioning and maintenance, has worked together with experts from TROX and TROX HGI to develop a complete air conditioning and ventilation strategy – all fully in line with the motto "everything from a single source".

You can read everything else in the new issue - enjoy!

TROX Life Magazin No 20: Air + Health (PDF 6,13 MB)

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