Berggasthof Platzlalm - Kaltenbach

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Hochzillertal – Berggasthof Platzlalm

An air of luxury. There is no reason why a cosy mountain inn should not be every bit as comfortable as a 5-star hotel.

Berggasthof Platzlalm can be found right in the popular ski resort Hochfügen, Hochzillertal, near the alpine road Zillertaler Höhenstrasse. The chalet offers 30 sleeping possibilities, a great sun deck and, for ultimate relaxation: a sauna – all at an altitude of approx. 1,800 metres.

Its blend of traditional and modern design creates a pleasant, welcoming atmosphere. It is a place where you simply feel good.

TROX components ensure a comfortable indoor climate
TROX components ensure a comfortable indoor climate. Products from the air handling expert, such as swirl diffusers, grilles, disc valves, fire dampers and volume flow controllers, were installed in the mountain inn, for example, in the bar lounge and in the dining and sitting room. Naturally, the installation had to comply with technical requirements for air handling and noise,  but the visible technological elements also had to match the overall visual appearance of the rooms and lounges, characterised by beautiful old wood. The grilles from TROX were perfect for the job.
TROX products in the Hochfügen ski resort
Thanks to the installed components from TROX, guests will be comfortable in the inn no matter the temperature outside. Furthermore, the tried and tested fire dampers ensure a high degree of safety. TROX products create an excellent indoor climate and pleasant atmosphere – even in winter and at 1,800 metres!
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