With the new ÖBB headquarters, right next to the new Vienna Central Station, a location for around 1,700 employees has been created.
The "Lände3" project launched by CA Immo focused on quality living and sustainability. Residential space, offices and retail are mixed in the buildings.
This autumn, Graz is getting a new, modernly equipped dental clinic. TROX provides particularly clean air with X-CUBE air handling units.
With the renovation and extension of the main library in Graz, the exterior and interior spaces were modernised. Special attention was paid to a large window area and the preservation of the historic reading rooms.
In the industrial hall of Getzner Textil, TROX installed fire protection technology as well as various protective mechanisms for the ventilation systems.
Analytec is a laboratory for food inspection and environmental analysis. TROX installed control systems and silencers for ventilation ducts in the new building of the laboratory.
For the architects and building planners, the new nature of working presents a special challenge. The workplace of the future or "smart workspace" is everywhere in this light atrium building with staggered structures. Accordingly, a pleasant climate with optimal infrastructure must be created in all areas for the approximately 1,900 employees.
TROX offers hotel guests an individually controllable, particularly quiet and pleasant 5-star climate with the perfectly shaped, highly efficient DID-E active chilled beam.
In the new building of the modern bathroom in Telfer, TROX installed air diffusers, air-water systems and fire and smoke protection systems.
Ikea in Vienna ensures high air exchange rates and sufficient ventilation. TROX installs 8x X-CUBEs with integrated measurement, control and regulation technology
MedAustron is a laboratory for cancer research. Various cancer therapies with ions and protons are applied
At the campus of the famous Charité -university medicine in Berlin, planners and building technicians were faced with a special challenge.
The refurbishment of Motel ONE reinvents the youthful and monarchical style and creates modern spaces inside the hotel.
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